The camping ground is open from Friday, 06.09.2024, 10:00h to Tuesday, 10.09.2024, 12:00h. 

    The gates to the festival site will open at 15:00h (06.09.2024) and close at 16:00h (09.09.24)

    You will get your wristband at the admission office. Lost wristbands won’t be replaced. 

    The minimum age to participate is 18 years. There will be no exceptions for this rule. Our admission team and security personnel are authorized to check your ID so please bring an official document. 


    This is the location of the Festival site: Kemping Inter Nos 

    Bus transport: The bus ride from Berlin takes around 4-5 hours. 

    You can also come by car, train or bicycle. The closest train station is Drawsko Pomorskie. The taxi ride from there to the island takes around 20 minutes. If you want to share your ride, we opened up a telegram group where you can connect:


    We want everyone to feel comfortable at the festival. So please be aware of how you treat yourself, others and nature. Look after your friends and make sure they are alright. 

    If you need help, there will be an awareness team on site which can be contacted in any case of assault, violence, discrimination or non-wellbeing. You can reach out for them at every bar. We will provide a calm safe space for cases like that.


    Camping in a tent on the camp ground is included in the festival ticket. If you want to sleep in your car, camper, bus etc. on the camping site you need to purchase a camper ticket (60€). If you want to arrive by car you need to purchase a parking ticket (15€) and place it in the parking spot (not on the camp ground - parking your car next to your tent is therefore not possible). Once you have parked your car, there’s no possibility to leave and enter again. Please purchase the tickets online before the festival.—>


    Our festival is not designed in a child friendly manner. Bringing children is therefore forbidden.


    Every accessible tap water is drinking water. Stay hydrated!

    If there is a water source with non-drinking water it will be marked as such.


    That means not throwing around glass bottles, cigarettes, confetti or non-biodegradable glitter. Dispose your garbage at the designated places. 

    If you want to smoke, bring a pocket ashtray. Treat nature like it’s your home. 


    There will be a first aid station to take care of those in need. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Every bar will be able to contact the paramedics for you.


    There will be one restaurants and several food trucks with different vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. 

    You can get cold drinks at several bars. We try to keep the prices for drinks as affordable as possible. Self-brought drinks are only allowed in regular quantities. You can bring your water bottle to refill it at several drinking water spots.

    → have a look at drinking water
    → have a look at glass bottles

    There will be a Kiosk with items of daily need like toothbrushes, condoms, tobacco etc., as long as stocks last. 


    Glass bottles brought by yourself will be forbidden on the festival site since shards can be a fire hazard or hurt people who are dancing barefoot. Our security personnel is authorized to check you at the festival entry. 

    Please avoid bringing glass bottles to the camping ground, since people or animals can also be hurt there. If a bottle breaks, make sure to pick up all shards. The meadows are normally inhabited by sheep.


    The participation at the festival happens at your own risk. We assume no liability considering material damage or injuries. This includes the arrival and departure from the festival.

    Instructions by the festival staff, security personnel, fire department and ambulance have to be followed.

    The festival site is private ground, therefore our house rules apply. A violation can lead to exclusion. 


    Open fires and barbecues on the camping ground are forbidden. There will be a fire space on the festival site.


    You want to join the Mystic Creatures? Great!
    → have a look at the tab participate

  • PETS

    Please leave your pets at home. A festival is not a suitable place for them.


    If you want to take photos or videos, act responsibly and respect other people’s right of privacy. A festival is a place to be free and nobody likes to feel watched. Be especially careful with flashlights since they can be pretty distracting. 

    Tip: Choose a long exposure setting in your camera or phone, so that moving objects aka dancing people won’t be recognisable. If your friends are able to keep still for a moment, you can catch unique moments while keeping everyone's privacy.

    Taking professional photos and videos is forbidden on the whole site. There will be one camera team including one drone which is authorized to take professional photos and videos to document the festival. You can recognise them by their press pass. They will only capture people in groups. By purchasing a ticket you agree to be shown in that material.

    The use of professional photography gear, especially unauthorized drones can lead to exclusion from the festival.


    The site is normally a camping ground. Therefore there will be “real” toilets and showers. Additionally there will be other toilets including a wheelchair accessible one. Please don’t urinate into nature. If you really can’t hold it, don’t leave a tissue or toilet paper. They are also showers on the festival site.


    There will be a sauna during the whole festival. 


    There will be music on the festival site around the clock, so please leave your sound systems at home. The camping ground is a place to rest, everyone has different sleeping habits and music preferences. Chill hard, party smart!


    We are in nature therefore we can’t guarantee accessibility of the site by wheelchair, especially when it’s raining and places become muddy.

    There will be a wheelchair accessible toilet.

    If you need to store medication in a fridge or need any other support, please contact us. 

    If you need a person to accompany you and your disability card is marked as such, the person will get free entry. Please contact us in that case before the festival so we can issue a ticket for that person. →


    The festival is located on an island in a lake. Therefore there will be several spots to take a swim. Only use the designated bathing places that are guarded by life guards. Please be careful around the water and act responsible to prevent dangerous situations, avoid going into the water alone. Swimming at night is forbidden. 


    If a storm is coming up, please listen to the information we give you and seek shelter until the storm is over. Trees, hills and especially the water are not safe! If you have a car, stay there and offer the remaining seats to people without one.


    If you want to sell your ticket you can do it through:

    You don't need to change the name on the ticket since a new QR code will be generated once the ticket is sold. The old ticket becomes invalid. 

    What matters for Check-in is a ticket with a valid QR-Code.


    If you want to participate as a volunteer you can do so:

    Before the festival (Build-up): Tuesday 9:00h - Friday 15:00h (3,5 days)

    During the festival: 2x6h shifts 

    After the festival (Build-down): Tuesday 9:00h - Thursday 18:00h (3 days)

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